TLA Student Showcases take place in the same theater as our professional ACADEMY AFTER HOURS series, because there's nothing like the feeling of taking an actual stage to perform for a live audience!
Come catch the rising stars of tomorrow - today!
FRI, JAN 31 - 8PM
Our beginning standup students take the stage to perform their own material for a live audience for the very first time!
FRI, FEB 7 - 7PM
A night of improv comedy featuring two of our best High School-age teams - starring longtime house team headliners Scrub Daddies!
SUN, MAR 9 - 7PM
Join us for a night of MOTH-style performances from our storytelling workshop students
FRI, MAR 14 - 8PM
Our advanced standup students have honed their skills and now they're storming the stage to show off their stellar sets!
7PM - Every Second Tuesday
JANUARY - Held here at
(performer sign-up 6:30PM)